Saturday, August 31, 2019

Injustice in the Adversarial System Essay

Donald Black discussed in his book The Behavior of Law, when a society begins to grow and become more complex so does its legal system. The United States uses a system that may no longer be fit for handling all the complex problems it is faced with. Society has come to learn through the justice system that truth is very hard to find. The nature of the adversarial process may prevent it from reaching the true goal of every legal system: justice. This writing argues that the system in place now is not the correct one for the stage society is in now. The adversarial process in place does not search for the core values of â€Å"Justice† and â€Å"Truth†; its inadequacies create errors in the legal system. The legal system should abolish its value of â€Å"winning at all cost† and the methods it uses to achieve this outcome. This paper will not only shed light on the flaws in the legal system, but present other structures that may be better suited for the present stage of society. Blueprint A few brief critiques of the adversarial process include that during a trial procedure both sides are given the opportunity to present facts to the jury or judge, this allows attorneys to withhold evidence and benefit the side they represent. This confuses the courts instead of elucidating the truth. Cases such as this should not be able to come to a guilty or not guilty verdict, because guilt cannot be proven with a degree of accuracy (Meadow, 1996). Stratification in law does lead to inequality and perpetuates injustice in society. The procedure that is used in our criminal justice system has the ability to lead to a false confession and create mistrust in the system. Bias in our legal system does lead to injustice. All of these factors do create injustice in our legal system by sending innocent people to prison and/or by letting convicted felons free. There are many theories in how to solve the problems with the adversarial process and the legal system in general, but society must change the way it reasons before anything can truly change. History of Common Law and the Adversarial Process To better understand the adversarial process it must first explain through its history and origins. Common law practice developed the adversarial process; England adopted common law and made its practice known throughout the world. Legislators began codifying the law, this later became common law. It was written so that it could be interpreted by the court system. When the courts make a decision in how that law is to be applied it is preserved, and able to be used as a guideline for other cases of the same nature. This proved to be a problem, decisions made by judges were based on the customs of the time period, which became rigid and did not easily allow for change (Cantor, 1997). The English form of common law prohibited representation in court however, during the eighteenth century some courts where beginning to allow legal representation in English common law. Eventually as time progressed, the role legal representation, lawyers, would grow and be more influential in society. The part the Lawyers played in the court system would eventually be the aspect that separated the adversarial process implemented today in the United States from the processes in England. Law became more and more complex so the use of lawyers or professionals of the law was essential in American law making. New research by Randolph N. Jonakait, New York Law School professor, suggests that the United States adopted an adversarial process that somewhat resembled the English model at the time. Besides the already mention use of lawyers, the U.S differed greatly from England, during the 18th century; America had prosecution with a public defender present in the court room compared to no legal representation for the accused in the English model. Also in New Jersey around the same time period, attorneys usually appeared for the prosecution and the defense which in England was rarely practiced. These findings demonstrate that the United States was a forerunner in the creation of the adversarial process that is present today (Jonakait, 2009). Search for Truth: Lawyers and Their Tactics One of the main concepts of the adversarial system is the oppositional presentation of facts. The belief behind this is it will discover all truths to the matter. This leads to the conclusion of the first flaw: that realistically everyone involved in the case is not in search of the truth. â€Å"Lawyers are more apt to hide the evidence that is not favorable to their side regardless of whether it would prove the innocence or guilt of the person on trial† (Schroeder, 2012). Clients hire lawyers to win; the economic state of the client is directly related to the skill level of the lawyer they can afford. Lawyers who are more expensive will use any tactics necessary to ensure a win. The search for truth is not a key value; it’s keeping your client pleased, being the defendant or the state. Attorneys are known to use questionable tactics so that they have the best possibility of winning their case. These tactics include: creating doubt in the jury of guilt or innocence, or even by hiding evidence from the jurors. The search for truth and the execution of justice cannot be fully performed if lawyers proceed to use unethical tactics. Solutions to the Hiding of Evidence A purposed solution to hiding evidence can be demonstrated with a value demonstrated from the inquisitorial system, everyone in the court room works together in search for the truth and justice. The judges, or investigative magistrate, are trained in their profession, taking specific schooling about law making them a vital resource to the legal system. While court is proceeding the judge is allowed to ask questions to keep a case in order. Using a system that does not glorify winning would help the hindering of evidence and other tactics being eradicated form the court room. Although, one flaw with this system is the judge is granted too much power and control over the proceeding, more justice is still found here searching for truth. Stratification in Law It is proven that â€Å"once arrested, black and minority defendants are fare worse in the criminal justice system than their white counter parts† (Westervely & Humphrey, 115, 2008). This is due to racial stratification in law and a bias based on race in convictions. Instrumentalist would say law is used to dominate groups, and is structured so that it can benefit certain groups by disadvantaging other groups, by allowing this to happen it perpetuates inequality (Bucher, 2012). Many minorities are unable to pay for legal representation; in this situation the courts provide representation for them. This disadvantages minority individuals in low social class because they lack resources to secure a good lawyer, while high social status clients are able to easily obtain skilled lawyers. This perpetuates stratification because upper class individuals can evade the penalties of the legal system, unlike lower class individuals who cannot afford strong legal representation (Vago, 2012). Marxist theorists would confirm that laws serve the interest of the upper class, and because they use them like a tool, keep the upper class in power. This reinforces inequality in society through the criminal justice system, because the upper class will always be able to have access to more resources they will also always use those resources against the lower class (Bucher, 2012). Process in Criminal Justice Is Justice Served? The pressure felt in a case created by media and the public eye have the ability to cause investigations to be sped up. The endangers the adversarial process to make mistakes and possibly out of convenience and pressure convict the first person they think committed the crime. Once police officers make an arrest they tend to not pursue any other possible leads until the person they have in custody is proven to be innocent. This hurts the search for truth because officers become close minded and search only for evidence to convict that individual. Another factor that can deter the search for truth is false confessions. False confessions, among other factors, are commonly created due to unethical interrogation tactics or confused eye witnesses testimony. â€Å"A confession is one of the most powerful pieces of evidence that can be presented in court† (Westervely & Humphrey, 36, 2008). Even if the confession is false, juries have been known to take into consideration testimony even when told not to. False confessions are usually given by suspects who are coerced, confused, have doubt in-self, or shame. All this can be attributed to the psychological games used by interrogators, intentional or unintentional (Gudjonsson, 1992). Can true justice be served when police use unethical tactics to get their confession? This is a question scholars who study ethics have pondered with for decades. Bias in Law There are many principles to consider when a jury is deciding a verdict. Racial beliefs, media and number of factors can influence a jury’s verdict (David F. Hall, 1984). Since each individual interprets the process of the trial differently it greatly influences the decision of case. The way society is socialized leads to certain bias to people of different races, genders, sexuality, and backgrounds. These factors greatly influence a cases outcome, even though lawyers are allowed to select their jury it is impossible to know each person individually (Albonetti and Hagan, 1982). In common law, legislature creates the laws that are written down and left for interpretation by the judges of the court, this is called statutory interpretation (Bucher, 2012). The strength of this system of law is the ability that law has to change; downfall is that it leaves room for bias in the interpretation of law. Some scholars suggest that law and the legal system is patriarchal. The feminist legal theory suggests that the legal system is male dominated and perpetuates gender discrimination (Bucher, 2012). Language can be biased in law; the United States suffers from this weakness. In the Declaration of Independence biased language is evident. â€Å"All Men Are Created Equal† a line from the Declaration of independence has brought forth discussion and conflict because of biases behind the words. Women have fought for their rights to be considered equal because society takes the patriarchal documents literal, progress is slowly made. Everything, including law, can be interpreted differently, making the judge’s job detrimental to the court process. The discretion of the authority in the court system, although important, also creates inconsistency in the legal system. African Americans account for 49.4 percent of the 1.3 million Americans in prison (Westervely & Humphrey, 2008). Two different theories can explain the bias in society that explains the high population of African Americans. These theories are the Individual Explanation Theory and the Structural Explanation Theory. Individual Explanation Theory This theory focuses on the behavior and traits of those involved in a trial. Racism is a factor in explaining why an innocent person is tried. This happens because the adversarial system does not focus on searching for the truth and allows the jury to makes a decision on beliefs and prejudices of a certain race. Stereotyping is also included when a jury convicts someone on account of preconceived notions of a group (Westervely & Humphrey, 2008). Structural Explanation Theory This theory provides two explanations for the bias. The first is the Blalocks Power-Threat Hypothesis. The hypothesis states that the increase in minority conviction is due to whites trying to keep power and control over minority races by disadvantaging them. The second explanation states that the treatment of minorities in the criminal justice system is a reflection of societal beliefs. â€Å"Equality in the criminal justice system is not possible until everything else is equal† (Westervely & Humphrey, 128, 2008). Plea-Bargains and its deficiencies Due to the amount of offenders that go through the U.S. court systems prosecutors are more likely to use plea-bargains to settle cases quickly. â€Å"It is estimated that roughly 90-95 percent of all criminal convictions are arrived through plea–bargains† (Vago, 118). This tactic can be linked to stratification and inequality, when a person on trial does not have the finances for a good lawyer the assumption is that they will lose. This makes a plea-bargain more appealing, as it is the best option to avoid a longer sentence (Kipnis, 1976). â€Å"The Standing Committee on Legal Aid and Indigent Defendants summarized the state of representation as follows: â€Å"Overall, there is abundant evidence in this report that defense services for the poor are inadequately funded. As a result, millions of persons who have a constitutional right to counsel are denied effective legal representation†Ã¢â‚¬  (Mosteller, 2011). This is another factor to cause change in the legal system so that truth can properly be found. The ability to plea-guilty hinders the search for truth and justice. In the inquisitorial system guilty pleas and plea-bargaining are not allowed so that the system can properly search for the truth. It does not give the accused rights, unlike the United States. While in the United States the adversarial process gives the accused the ability to plead guilty for a lesser sentence which some would consider â€Å"soft† on crime. In the adversarial process after a confession is given, the investigation is typically over even if the individual is innocent. In the inquisitorial system a confession is not warranted since it is the duty of the court to come up with evidence and prove guilt (Berger, 1972). Injustice With all this bias in our legal system this gives room for errors in justice. â€Å"An error in justice is any departure from an optimal outcome of justice for a criminal case† (Frost, 2004). There are two types of errors that can be described: systematic and random. Systematic is when there is an error within the law that consistently creates injustice. When a law is in enacted and it oppresses a certain group consistently this is systematic injustice. Random errors are created while criminal justice officials are enforcing the law and the error is sporadic (Frost, 2004). Both of these can create errors of due process, which is when the rights of the accused are violated. The first error is miscarriage of justice; an example of this is when an innocent man is convicted of a crime. The second type of error of due process is error of impunity, when an error in the procedure of due process is committed and as a result guilty convict is set free. Both of these do create great mistrust in the legal system and deter people from getting involved within its legal processes (Sherman, 2002). This can lead to what Black was suggesting when he stated that law will shift back to a more primitive family based form of sanctions, because of mistrust in the authority that was supposed to protect them. Change With new understandings of societal factors (race, gender, sexuality) the adversarial system needs to be revised so that it aids the search for truth or it will be blinded by these factors. Society has grown complex and so has its problems with in the legal system. The courts must come up with different resolutions for crimes and convictions, not just a â€Å"one size fits all solution†. In essence the adjudication system is not wrong, but the misuse of evidence and human error leads to mistakes. One might ask should we change the adversarial system entirely or fix the many flaws within the system. The current process being used relies on the state (prosecutor) to determine if the court should or shouldn’t present the evidence accumulated from the crime, or if that would benefit the accused in some way. All evidence should be given to a neutral party, such as the court, and have the court system decide what should be done. This would remove the ability of the prosecutor to hide facts that could be essential to the investigation (Westervely & Humphrey, 2008). In an ideal system the court should base their decision after learning all the facts, without any evidence withheld from either side. There can be a mixture of different processes, which can better achieve justice in a complex society. For example, a different process would be needed to determine if a dangerous criminal is guilty than that of finding parental rights. Forms such as the inquisitorial investigation, mediation, private problem-solving, group negotiating processes could be used to search for truth. Conclusion The adversarial systems values do not match what the goals of the system should be. In the ideal system restorative and rehabilitation justice would be utilized to the fullest in order to help the people going through the criminal justice process learn and become productive members of society. Society’s beliefs are that of retribution and vengeance. Society as a whole wants to see criminals punished for crimes that they feel where committed upon them. To completely change the beliefs of the criminal justice system, society needs to change its values from retribution and vengeance, to a form of justice that will help society instead of looking for revenge. Values in the criminal justice system represent what that society believes in. The belief in winning shouldn’t be enforced, like the adversarial process has done, because it does not accomplish what the main goal of the criminal justice system is: to provide justice to the citizens of the country the system serves, along with the search for truth. The values of rehabilitation and restoration should be the foundation on which we build our new system. If this is done than our society will begin to help its self in creating a strong nation that is just and true. References Albonetti, Celesta and Hagan, John. Race, Class, and the Perception of Criminal Injustice in America. American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 88, No. 2 (Sep., 1982), pp. 329-355 Berger, Moise. The Case Against Plea-Bargaining. American Bar Association Journal. Vol 62.pg621.(1972) Black, Donald. The Behavior of Law. The University of Michigan, Academic Press. 1976 Bucher, Jacob. Law and Society. Lectures. Baker University. 2012 Cantor, Norman F. Imagining the law: Common law and the foundations of the American legal system. HarperCollins Publishers (New York). 1997. David F. Hall et al., Post event Information and Changes in Recollection for a Natural Event, in Eyewitness Testimony: Psychological Perspectives124 (Gary L. Wells & Elizabeth F. Loftus eds., 1984) Frost, Brian. Errors of Justice: Nature, Sources, and Remedies. Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge.2004. Gudjonsson, Gisli H. The psychology of interrogations, confessions and testimony. Wiley series in psychology of crime, policing and law. Oxford, England: John Wiley & Sons. (1992). xii 362 pp. Humphrey, John A. & Westervely, Saundra D. Wrongly Convicted: Perspectives on Failed Justice. Rutgers State University Press. 2008 Jonakait, Randolph N. The Rise of the American Adversary System: American Before England. New York Law School. Widner Law Review. V14.2009. Kipnis, Kenneth. Criminal Justice and the Negotiated Plea. The University of Chicago Press. Ethics , Vol. 86, No. 2 (Jan., 1976), pp. 93-106 Meadow, Carrie M. The Trouble with the Adversarial System in a Postmodern, Multicultural World. William and Mary Law Review. V.38. 1996. Merrill B. Hintikka & Jaakko Hintikka, How Can Language Be Sexist?, in Discovering Reality, supra note 31, at 139. Mosteller, Robert P. Failures of the American Adversarial System to Protect the Innocent and Conceptual Advantages in the Inquisitorial Design for Investigative Fairness.2011. University of North Carolina School of Law. Sherman, Lawrence W. Trust and Confidence in Criminal Justice. NIJ Journal, March (2002): 23-31. Vago, Steven. Law and Society. Pearson Education, Practice Hall.2012.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Is ObamaCare Bad for Business? Essay

On March 23rd, 2010, President Barack Obama signed into legislation the â€Å"Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.† Since then, the new bill, nicknamed â€Å"ObamaCare,† has sparked heated controversy all across the country between Democrats and Republicans, each side fiercely tearing at each other with facts and statistics. I was curious as to what all the hoopla was about, so I decided to look into ObamaCare, and find out what I could about the 2,000-page mandate. I decided to discuss ObamaCare with my step mom, who owns a health clinic in Oregon. Getting a small business owner’s point of view on ObamaCare seemed a smart way to get a more objective understanding of how the public was reacting, aside from any political squabble that tends to drown out the issue at hand. While talking with her, she explained how she was forced to shut down her clinic because of ObamaCare. That moment narrowed the focus of my research into one crucial question: Is ObamaCare good or bad for small businesses in America? This is a question that is very complex, as the answer can be a yes, no, or in-between. Democrats support the mandate, while Republicans reject it. Hence the controversy surrounding the bill. To further my understanding, I went online and tried filtering through the immense plethora of information on ObamaCare. My next step would be to get a general understanding of what the bill is, and how it works. From what I could gather, ObamaCare is basically a mandate that requires all Americans to have health insurance by 2015, or else suffer a hefty penalty that will increase with each year. The main focus of the mandate is towards individuals and small businesses whom cannot afford health insurance. According to Karen Pollitz at, ObamaCare is â€Å"a law enacted to ensure that all Americans have access to affordable health insurance. It does this by offering consumers discounts (known as tax credits) on government-sponsored health insurance plans, and by expanding the Medicaid assistance program to include more people who don’t have it in their budgets to pay for health care.† To get back to the question at hand, is ObamaCare good for small businesses? Democrats really seem to believe so. As was said before, Democrats support the mandate, and claim that ObamaCare has helped improve the economy since the law was signed. Not only that, but the mandate has cut healthcare costs. According to, when asked about ObamaCare hurting small businesses, the response was addressed as â€Å"The unbiased truth on ObamaCare and Small Business.† The response stated that ObamaCare helps most small businesses, not hurts them. The response goes on to address how small business owners have had a harder time providing insurance to their employees through history as a result of rising insurance costs. All the while larger businesses remain largely unaffected. The website also states that â€Å"today, almost half of America’s uninsured are small business owners, employees, or their dependents.† Small businesses can also apply for a tax credit to help with insurance costs by using ObamaCare, for up to 35% of costs for 2 years, depending on the circumstances. To restate what was said earlier about what ObamaCare basically is, the mandate includes a certain clause that says that businesses that refuse to offer insurance coverage to employees and individuals who do not have insurance by the end of 2014 will be forced to pay a heavy penalty, about $2-3,000 per uninsured employee. The rates increase each year as well, which should deter large businesses from dropping employees or cutting back everyone’s hours to part-time, to make sure employees get the benefits they deserve. Here comes the messy part: the political backlash of Republicans refuting the so-called â€Å"facts.† Republicans are dead set on their opinion that ObamaCare is bad for small businesses, not good. To begin refuting the Democrats’ claims, the tax credit that small businesses can apply for is not as sweet as the candy looks. Yes, you can apply for the tax credit, but what the Democrats failed to mention is that you have to go through four complicated tests to even qualify. Less than a fourth of small businesses make it past the first three tests trying to get the tax credit. Not to mention that the credit only lasts two years at the most, not very long at  all. This makes the credit practically useless, as it is not even assured you will get the full 35%, but rather you can receive up to 35% of the credit, depending on your circumstances. President Obama had a famous quote from when he was first advertising ObamaCare: â€Å"If you like your current health plan you can keep it. We don’t want you to have to change.† This quote haunts the President amidst reports that 3.5 million Americans who purchase health care plans on their own have now lost their coverage because of ObamaCare. Scott Gottlieb writes, â€Å"Very soon, small businesses will share a similar fate.† They will also see their health plans canceled as a result of ObamaCare. These small businesses will be faced with a bleak choice: find another, more costly policy that’s compliant with ObamaCare, or put their employees in the ObamaCare exchange. While a smaller percentage of business plans may get canceled (relative to the fraction of individual market plans that are now being terminated) the small group market is nonetheless much bigger than the individual market. Even if ObamaCare materially affects a smaller slice of the business plans, it will still encumber far more people than the 3.5 million individuals now losing coverage. Some small businesses used a loophole last year in 2013 so that they could delay the mandate requirements until January 1st, 2015. That means they should be getting their cancellation notices in the mail around November of 2014. News of these cancellations will go directly to the employees, much like the cancellations being sent out now. After researching diligently on ObamaCare, the question I started off with in the beginning is ready to be answered.Yes, there are many bad things about the mandate that affect businesses, such as loss of coverage to employees, penalties that cost businesses their revenue, and people losing their coverage entirely. There are also some good things about the mandate too, like some small businesses will be able to cover their employees with healthcare for the first time. Small businesses can also receeive tax credits and tax breaks to help them survive our economic hardships. But the debate goes on, and every person has their own opinions and bias on the issue, which in turn answers the question for them. For me, I do not like  ObamaCare one bit, as it implies that the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many in terms of healthcare. But that is a question of personal ethics, not the effects of ObamaCare. Works Cited Gottlieb, Scott. â€Å"Thousands Of Small Businesses Will Also Start Losing Their Current Health Policies Under Obamacare. Here’s Why.† Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 6 Nov. 2013. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. â€Å"What Is Obamacare?.† US Economy. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. â€Å"ObamaCare: 2.5 million more jobs lost, another trillion in deficit spending.† Human Events. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2014. â€Å"ObamaCare Small Business Facts.† ObamaCare Small Business Facts. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2014. Neporent, Liz. â€Å"Obamacare Explained (Like You’r e An Idiot).† ABC News. ABC News Network, 23 Dec. 2013. Web. 17 Mar. 2014. â€Å"Is Obamacare Financially Burdensome for Businesses? – DEBATED.† Obamacare/ Health Care Laws. N.p., 11 Oct. 2013. Web. 12 Mar. 2014.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Organisational Culture of the Grameen Bank Coursework

Organisational Culture of the Grameen Bank - Coursework Example Grameen Bank is one of such banks which stand apart from any other banks, not just for its banking service, but also for the service it provides to the nation. Muhammad Yunus is the person who is to be credited for coming up with such a unique concept of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh that started in the year of 1976. He believed that credit is a human right, and everyone should be allowed to receive the facility of loans and just for the reason, an individual is poor he or she should not be deprived of getting credit facility from the banks (PBS, 2011). He prepared a methodology and institution focused on the circumstances and needs of the people who are very poor. The government of Bangladesh took an initiative of changing this project into an independent bank through the help of government legislation in the year 1983 (Grameen Bank, 2011). Mohammad Yunus was rewarded with Noble Prize in the year 2006 for his effort of struggling against the poverty by enabling poor people with credit facility through the medium of Grameen Bank. This was a noble cause indeed, as no individual has ever thought of coming up with ideas for poor people. Grameen Bank has achieved quite a success in alleviating poverty from the country, Bangladesh, over the past decades. Unlike others, he thought that Charity is not a right initiative towards solving poverty, so the Grameen Bank was formed. The Grameen Bank has adopted certain initiatives for encouraging the poor to use their under or unutilized skills by providing them with small collateral-free loans. The Grameen Bank has been successful in incorporating group-based lendings, obligatory savings and insurance systems, facility of repayment rescheduling in the time of disasters, and encouraging similar other schemes that have proved to be effective in minimizing both material and behavioral risks of lending (Khandker, 1996). Grameen Bank has been well-organized in terms of designing its programmes, most of which were for the betterment of the poor people and female members. One of the reasons behind its success as a rural financial intermediary is its subsidy dependency. It is renowned for its reliability even outside Bangladesh and its impact on the poor and the women is incredible. Its mission stands as to help the poor families along with special attention upon female members to overcome poverty, by themselves. It is entirely targeted to the poor, mainly towards poor women, empowering poor female members has become their one of the main motives (Grameen Bank, 2011). The culture of the organization mostly emphasizes on empowering the poor women. It is believed that if the lady of the house is empowered, the house itself is empowered. They provide various supports and initiatives in encouraging the women to earn their livelihood through microfinance. This paper deals with the organizational culture of the Grameen Bank with regards to microfinance and impact of those initiatives on the women (Strong, 2007). Organ isational Culture Organisational culture is a process of shared beliefs, values, assumptions, and customs of the members of an organization. In general terms, it can be said that it is the reflection of the working environment and members’ perceptions towards the organization.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Temple of Zeus at Akragas, Agrigento, Sicily 500-460 B.C Essay

Temple of Zeus at Akragas, Agrigento, Sicily 500-460 B.C - Essay Example In Agrigento, Sicily, one of the most ancient architectural designs stands there even today, attracting thousands of people from across the globe. Historically, the town is famous for its splendid assortment of more than seven Greek temples that dates back to the sixth and fifth centuries BC. Standing on the southern part of the city of Agrigento, these temples provide a classic example of a historical study about ancient architectural designs, and how they influences modern day architecture (Wilson 7). Many historians believe that the Greek colonialists are the ones who built the city of Akragas in 580 BC. These colonialists had travelled from far, precisely from Rhodes and settled in Sicily. Life during the colonial times was not any easy, as tyranny, persecutions and slavery took the orders of the day. However, these periods happened and democracy settled in slowly and the city dwellers, about 200,000 of them in the fifth century BC, embarked on a journey of developing their city. High-quality wine, olives, and horses decorated the beautiful city, and later on the most famous and beautiful temples stood elected. However, something astonishing happened in 406 BC. The Carthaginians invaded Akragas just barely eight months after the construction of the temples, and mutilated the temples. The Carthaginians ruled the city until 340 BC when Timoleon engaged the Carthage in war and finally defeated them. However, it is important to note that the city had lost its glory and magnificent scene, a scene that stands unrecovered even up to today. The change o one empire to another has not helped in the rebuilding of the temples. However, these temples still have a historical significance to modern day historians and architectural designers (Paton 74-94). In Italy, historians agree that the Olympian Zeus Temple is the prevalent Doric temple ever built and it has some historical significance. However, it is paramount to note that due to various reasons, the construction of these temple never ended. In fact, today, the temple of Zeus lies in ruins as the people responsible for its construction did not do much to compete it. Standing in the Valle dei Templi, other famous temples surround the temple of Zeus thus giving the later a sheer significance. Nonetheless, it is imperative to note that nobody recorded the exact history this temple, and therefore it is quite unclear. This does not however imply that there are no absolute facts about the temple of Zeus. In fact, one of its significance is the commemoration of war pitting Syracuse and Carthaginians (Battle of Himera 480 BC). As earlier noted the Carthaginians had taken control of the city and imposed their rule. Some historians such as Diodorus Siculus point out that the Carthaginians are the ones who built the temple by using slaves. Here, the slaves were mainly the captured enemies parading as soldiers but were now defeated and taken into captivity where they subjected them into hard work and labo r (Wilson 48-61). The ancient literature does not say much about the temple of Zeus although many historians mention it in their writings. For example, Polybius, one of the Greek historians records in a memo that although the other temples surrounding the temple of Zeus looked complete and beautiful unlike the temple of Zeus, the later was completely odd in terms of appearance, design and dimensions. He goes on to say

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Mergers & Acquisitions (Big focus on AECOM acquisition of URS) Literature review

Mergers & Acquisitions (Big focus on AECOM acquisition of URS) - Literature review Example Due to the wake of economic reforms, entities are viewing it prudent to restructure their operations around their principal business activities strategically through acquisition because of their burgeoning exposure to competition from both domestic and international arena. According to the existing literature, companies engage in mergers and acquisitions for myriad reasons. Some of these motives are view as being good since they are aimed at maximizing the shareholders wealth while others merge or acquire others for questionable reasons (Ferris & Petitt 2013). In essence, companies should pursue mergers and acquisitions only if such actions create value. In other words, companies should merge if they are working as a single unit as opposed to working individually offers a greater value. Ferris and Petitt’s (2013) study established that synergies take three forms namely financial, managerial and operating synergies. Financial synergies arise from lower financing cost because big companies have access to a broader and cheaper pool of funds compared to small companies (Malik et al., 2014, p. 528; Koi-Akrofi, 2014, p. 1812). When companies that carry out unrelated businesses merge, there is the reduction in risk that makes them increase their debt capacity and enable them to lower their before-tax financing cost. In this context, there is also the aspect of improved financing in the sense that companies facing financial problems may be forced to look for others that are financially stable to acquire them instead of going out of busines s or taking bankruptcy. The merger causes the firm to expand which makes it easily get access to debt and equity financing which was initially beyond its reach. According to an analysis done by the New York University Stern School of Business (2015) and Malik et al. (2014, p. 528) mergers

Monday, August 26, 2019

Letter on current issue to the editor of the Wall Journal Essay

Letter on current issue to the editor of the Wall Journal - Essay Example Piereson acknowledges the income disparity that exists between the top one percent and the ninety nine percent of American population. Addressing this inequality, however, is the contentious issue. Both economists and politics are yet to agree on the most appropriate course of action. As the debate continues, I disagree with Piereson on the argument that the top one percent population is not the cause of the income inequality problem. The issue is that the rich are getting richer and the poor are further plunging into poverty. In this respect, it is fundamental to address the problem before things get worse than they already are. It is important to note that the proposed taxation approach is just one of the many avenues that the government can use to bridge the gap between the rich the poor. Amid critical disagreements on the way forward, it is evident that income inequality is already a crisis that could get out of control in the next few years. The one percent, the ninety nine percent, and all other stakeholders should collaborate to reach an ultimate compromise. Piereson, James. The Truth About the ‘One Percent’. The Wall Street Journal, Feb. 17, 2014. Web. 18 Feb. 2014.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Marketing Plan for Dale Lighthouse Property Assignment

Marketing Plan for Dale Lighthouse Property - Assignment Example This can happen when the customers are motivated to foresee a resultant profit from the transaction to their benefits. Hence it becomes important to enlist the benefits that may accrue to the customer out of the product being offered on sale. In order to make a representation of the benefits accruing, it is essential that one identifies the benefits in a realistic way and puts that across to the customer in a memorable way. In this way, it becomes possible to tap the motivational factors that drive human consumption like functional, pleasure, self-identity, image, admiration and altruism. By adopting a proper marketing strategy and a planned approach, it would become possible to sell even unusual properties for which there will not be enough buyers. "In addition there is tremendous liquidity in the market at present and property seekers feel safe about their investment here in the UK and London in particular" (Nick Easen 2007) This paper presents a marketing plan for selling of one s uch unusual property in UK detailing the Sales Strategy, Sales details and Market appraisal of the property. High on the cliff tops at the entrance to the giant harbour of Milford Haven, this extraordinary property at St Anns Head occupies one of the most stunning locations on the entire Pembrokeshire Coast. The Old Lighthouse tower has been run as a luxury B&B exclusively for two, with the addition of a self-catering apartment in the former coastguard buildings. As an extraordinary property that has been refurbished to the highest contemporary standards, it was awarded the highest 'Five Dragon' accreditation by the Welsh Tourist Board. On the third floor of the lighthouse tower there is a double bedroom, with a private winding staircase up to the Observation Lounge. Needless to say, the views are simply breathtaking. The former coastguard buildings at the foot of the 17th Century lighthouse tower have been thoughtfully converted into a stylish apartment with its own private access. There is a spacious lounge/diner, a kitchen, two bedrooms with ensuites, a third bedroom (that currently has bunk beds) and a patio. (Website of Unique Home Stays) 2.1 Additional Details adding to the value of the property: Being an incredible property, which is perched on the ocean's edge, the Old lighthouse can be purchased either for private use or to be run as a successful lighthouse retreat. The property with its well designed contemporary interior will present a refreshing contrast to its historical character. In the local area one may find magnificent beaches for swimming and surfing, hills for walking and a scattering of museums, art galleries and craft workshops. There is yachting, boating and windsurfing on offer in the sheltered bay of Dale and also there will be a wealth of birdlife around the red sandstone cliffs. 2.2 Property Details: Reception Rooms: 1 Dining Room: Open plan lounge dining room Kitchen: 1 Bathrooms: 4 ensuite bathrooms in the main house and 2 ensuite in the apartment. Bedrooms: 4 in the main house and 3 in the apartment. Pool: 1 with sauna. Garden: Double garage with parking for up to 10 vehicles Location: An old lighthouse situated in Britain's only Coastal National Park in Pemborkeshire, West Wales. Source: (Website of Uniqu

Connection Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Connection Project - Research Paper Example It was expected that after the implementation of these laws, education would become much more accessible to all kinds of children, even more so for children with special needs. However, even after a few decades of having the laws implemented, there were still observed shortages of teachers that specialize in educating handicapped children, as well as the presence of certain inadequacies with regards to the retention of certified teachers for special education, and as a result schools had to resort to either decreasing the services for children due to understaffing, or even allowing under-qualified or unqualified personnel to do these tasks for the benefit of giving these children their education. In order to address the problem, several factors have been identified that were observed to have been causing the shortages of special education teachers, as well as their retention within the educational institutions, and in turn solutions can be formulated so that school administrators suc h as heads or principals could undertake in order to alleviate, if not remove the issues concerning the insufficiency of teaching staff for children with special needs. It is no secret that special education is a teaching field with greater challenges than regular education, mostly because of the kind of students that are being serviced in this field. Because of the greater diversity of the needs of students in special education in comparison with regular schooling, there is also a need to employ instructors that were trained and educated specifically for each kind of disability that the school decides to serve. However, despite having these kinds of information made available for school administrators, there were still observed shortages of special education teachers, especially the qualified ones (Billingskey & McLeskey, 2004). At present there are five areas in special education identified to have the highest shortages of certified instructors: emotional/behavioral disorder; mult i-categorical disability; severe/profound disability; learning disability; and mild/moderate disability (McLeskey, Tyler & Flippin, 2003). Other instructors with fields of specialization that cover other kinds of disabilities such as mental retardation, education for the visually-impaired, and the hearing impaired were also lacking, which not only prevents the education of children with special needs but also the school’s ability to implement IDEA and NCLB properly and efficiently. Several survey results found out that the problems for such shortages were multifactorial in nature. Certain researches regarding the reasons why there were numerous shortages for qualified special education personnel, which were either tied to the schools’ policies, administrators, as well as to the personnel themselves. First of these is how schools categorize their disabled students, especially those which reported to have high numbers of students having disabilities (Greene, 2009). Due t o some administrators unable to fully understand how children are selected for special needs education or not, clashes between the special education teachers themselves and the administrators happen, for example some children that have domestic problems and thus struggled in their academics were incorrectly-labeled to be disabled when in fact these children were considerably normal when compared to handicapped children, and eventually such measures prevent the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Will come Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Will come - Essay Example Dean Black wood represented Revenant Records and was relevant in deriving fundamental information about phantoms project (Sullivan 274). Moreover, John Jeremiah Sullivan conducted various interviews on the dynamics of music and artists. Indeed, Sullivan interviewed Gayle Dean Wardlow about Booker Miller. Apparently, the interview helped Sullivan to understand prewar. Notably, Booker Miller derived fundamental authority since he was a prewar player (Sullivan 276). Moreover, the interview helped Sullivan to connect with Charley Patton since Booker Miller had an apprenticeship with Charley Patton (Sullivan 276). John Jeremiah Sullivan also used readings to research about music, artists, and music scholars. He quoted the works of Robert Palmer who referred to rock n’ roll music as deep blues. The research helped Sullivan to establish how rock n’ roll music became dominant among the youth across the globe (Sullivan 275). John Jeremiah Sullivan also referred to the works of Wald who helped the author to analyze Robert Johnson and his music. Through Wald, Sullivan derives how, when, and the types of songs played by Robert Johnson in different occasions (Sullivan 269). The research methods and sources used by Sullivan were fundamental in understanding the origin of different genres of music. Apparently, the essay was relevant as a story ab out

Friday, August 23, 2019

British Airways Logistics and Operations Management Assignment

British Airways Logistics and Operations Management - Assignment Example Some of the respective areas where the organization has ventured include investing in latest modern technology that has since brought considerable improvement in terms of flexibility, dependability, quality and cost (Greasley 2013). Thesis statement: British Airways has implemented innovative approaches in its logistics and operations management. Communication and coordination technology According to Greasley, (2013), for an effective and efficient coordination, an airline company must consider reliable communication systems, which are made available at the control towers or throughout other respective departments. The British airways has invested heavily in technological personnel and the expatriates responsible for the management for the flight operations, dispatch of cargo to and from the airport, ground maintenance staff and members who assist the passengers with the reservation amongst other issues. Firstly, the organization has put in place integrations of information systems t o the center of control that facilitates coordination and effective communication throughout all the branches. For instance, the automation improves dissemination of information relevant both at the internal operations and to external operations. Consider personnel such as air traffic controller, the pilot on board and the rest of the colleagues who are actively involved with maintenance at the hangers. The use of information systems allows them to have faster exchange of data or any other relevant information more rapidly and efficiently. Through the integration of the information systems, British Airways has succeeded in reduction of miscommunication either from the center to the centers of controls or, the employees of the other departments since the information is available in real time to almost all the relevant bodies concerned. Moreover, automation has also led to economical advantages such as conservation of fuel, proper usage of time and appropriate time management through effective planning of cargo handling. This process of operations has successfully led to the total improvement of returns based on reception of new cargo on transit and those under dispatch (Slack et al 2011). Automated flight dispatch British Airways has an automated flying dispatch intercepted through special tracking device systems in almost all its active flights. The flight dispatch systems have enabled efficient conservation of flight fuel through the modern planning mechanisms. The use of this technology helps in the moderation of navigation of planes automatically. Moreover, such systems are interconnected to the flight management system on board a craft and are capable of calculating the flight speed based on the weight of the plane and the current atmospheric pressure thorough cost indexing. In addition, through the vertical integrations of the minima, the system is able to locate fuel-efficient routes of the planes. In this case, the automated flight dispatch help in econ omizing fuels by avoiding extended duration of waiting before a plane is dispatched. The use of global positioning systems has also helped in the control of winds and turbulence associated with international flights (Christopher 2011). Resource management system The British airline has implemented a resource management system that incorporates intelligent technologies to enable all people involved in this organization to access and

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Telecommunications and Networking Essay Example for Free

Telecommunications and Networking Essay Telecommunications and networking are complicated with very intricate design and structures built within them. Protocols are set in place to allow Ethernets, switches and gateways to achieve the abilities and capabilities of telecommunications and networking through data and voice transmissions of today and the future. Today’s society is set at such a high pace with such great demand for volumes of data and voice transmissions that telecommunications and networking need to stay the course to keep up with the demands of societal growth by way of new hardware, software and technological advances. a) What is a policy?  A policy is verbiage that consists of words and statements that gives internal and external structural requirements whereby employees, personnel and others can follow. Specifications within the said policy are set to form and guide internal and external functions. This policy paves the way for integrity within the business and/or corporation’s foundational structure. â€Å"Policy: A broad statement that specifies what should be accomplished†. (Panko, R., Panko, J. (2011). b) Distinguish between policy and implementation.  Implementations are a more specified set of instructions whereby policies are less specified but yet each has a set verbiage that applies to the structural integrity of the company’s bi-laws and laws. â€Å"Implementation Guidance: Instructions that is more specific than policies but less specific than implementation.† (Panko, R., Panko, J. (2011). c) Why is it important to separate policies from implementation? The separation between policies and implementation is important so that a set of rules, bi-laws and/or laws that govern the business or company is set in a way that is most important to the least important of rules, bi-laws and laws within that business structure. Structural integrity based upon policies and the implementation of those policies is essential to the internal and external growth that applies to that corporate business structure. d) Why is oversight important?  Oversight is a tool that guides management that should be required to be used in â€Å"every† aspect within the business and/or corporation. Management has an obligation to implement the oversight protocols throughout the business structure whereby it sets the guidance protocols within those structures foundational rules of guidance and policy. â€Å"Oversight: A collection of methods to ensure that policies have been implemented properly†. (Panko, R., Panko, J. (2011). e) Compare the specificity of policies, implementation guidance, and implementation. Policies would be a set of more formal verbiage where implementation guidance would be the guidance within that set of policies and this would then be followed by the implementation of both the policies and the implementations guidance’s. All three of these categories are molded into one that would become the set policies of the business or corporate guidance structure. f) Distinguish between standards and guidelines. The standards and guidelines distinguish between one another in a way that they each set separate rules within themselves whereby each arrives at context and messages. The separation of standards and guidelines is such that standards â€Å"allows hardware and software to work together and guidelines is a directive that can be followed but is not necessarily followed unless implementation is required. â€Å"Guidelines: A directive that should be followed but need not be followed, depending on the context.† (Panko, R., Panko, J. (2011). â€Å"Standards: A rule of operation that allows hardware or software processes to work together. Standards normally govern the exchange of messages between two entities.† (Panko, R., Panko, J. (2011). g) Must guidelines be considered? The consideration of â€Å"guidelines† is dependent on the â€Å"need† and sometimes is not necessarily followed nor is it a necessary requirement. The required consideration of â€Å"guidelines† is such that management and/or the implementation of the â€Å"guideline† can become a necessary requirement. Remembering that the necessity meets the requirement within the aforementioned guidelines. Guidelines are considered where the need meets that requirement and this can be an essential or non-essential requirement of a specified guideline. h) List the three types of oversight listed in the text. Audit is one form of oversight followed by reading log files and the third oversight is vulnerability testing. Each of these is a part of a policy that is set into place and followed by internal and external personnel. Management sets the pace and implements the oversight whereby each individual mangers proceeds with oversight proto cols to meet oversight rules. I) what is vulnerability testing, and why is it done? Vulnerability testing is an internal mechanism that is performed to prevent the intrusion of internal and external sources. The vulnerability testing is a test that allows for the intrusive behavior to begin â€Å"within† the company’s own system that shows visible signs of degradation and exploitations within the system. â€Å"Vulnerability Testing: is attacking your own systems before attackers do, so that you can identify weaknesses and fix them before they are exploited by attackers† (Panko, R., Panko, J. (2011). j) Why is it important for policy to drive both implementation and oversight? Policy is the final product that drives the internal mechanisms of the business and/or corporate structure from the hardware, to software, to personnel then up to management. Policy is for example â€Å"like gasoline is to the automobile without the gasoline the automobile will not run†. Implementation would be for example â€Å"like not having the oil that lubricates the engine within the automobile† and then oversight would be for example â€Å"like the brake fluid that allows the brakes of the automobile to function and stop the automobile†. Requiring each of these mechanisms to be included in the structure of the business and/or corporation is essential to building focal points that lead and pave the way to present and future growth from within that business and corporations foundational structure. Policy is a core driving force that is essential to day to day operations as well as to future implementations of guidelines. Conclusion Telecommunications and networking are the business and/or corporate structures essential tools that require policies, guidelines, oversight and implementation. The management within that business structure is and should be required to follow each and every policy and guideline whereby each manger gives instructions to employees and personnel to follow these sets of guidelines and polices. Implementation of all governed rules should be set at the management level to include hardware, software and security protocols. Society demands telecommunications and networking with data, voice and video capabilities and management is essential to meet these societal demands whereby management needs the policies and guidelines to implement and address all of these demands.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Holistic Approach To Supporting Health Psychology Essay

Holistic Approach To Supporting Health Psychology Essay Emma and Kyle live in a home specialising in providing 24hr care for young pregnant women and their babies. Emma was looked after from being 4 yrs old when she was removed from her parents care. She was fostered for 10yrs by a caring couple until illness forced them to return her to social care services. Several placements broke down as Emma was unable to adjust to a new family and she was finally placed in a young peoples home run by social care services when she became pregnant at 15yrs old. She attended school until the birth of Kyle who was born 4 weeks premature. She moved into the mother and baby hostel when she was 6 months pregnant following referral by her social care worker. She has a good relationship with Kyle, although staff say they would be concerned if she were to leave the hostel and live independently. Kyle has recently started full time nursery which gives Emma the opportunity to attend college where she studies catering. Defining health can be a difficult task. The most famous definition is that of the World Health Organisation (WHO) which hasnt been amended since 1948. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO 1948). There are many models of health that have been developed over the years, one being the biomedical model which focuses on physical symptoms such as pain. This concept scientifically measures a persons health to decide whether illness is present or not. Biomedical scientists claim that the body is a machine and can be fixed when a malfunction occurs. An improved model would be the Biopsychosocial theory which concentrates on whole life issues including emotional and spiritual aspects as well as social and family support. The holistic model improved further to include not only physical, psychological and social factors but also determinants such as nutrition, alcohol, nicotine, sleep, exercise and community life. The focus of this report is to examine and understand the physical, social and psychological influences upon health by using the case study and consider how things can be improved by using the holistic approach in contrast to the Biomedical and Biopsychosocial. The first thing that will be considered in this report is emotional issues during infancy. Individuals who suffer from broken or emotional relationships during infancy often develop into adults who experience problems understanding their own emotions and this may limit their ability to maintain a successful relationship in later life. In the case study of Emma, she was cared for by her parents till the age of 4years then removed and placed into a caring foster family. It is possible that the biological family suffered from dysfunctional tendencies which could mean child neglect or even child abuse within the home. An infant raised within this environment would imagine it to be normal behaviour therefore being placed in what society sees as a normal functioning family, would be difficult to adjust to. Several studies suggest that up to 80% of children in foster care have significant mental health issues due to the trauma of separation from the biological family in addition to experien ces of dysfunctional families (Smariga 2007). When a child is separated from their primary caregiver who is usually the mother, separation anxiety can occur. Infants younger than 4 years are particularly vulnerable and will experience high levels of emotional disturbances. Separation anxiety in infants can be treated with play therapy if recognised early enough. This type of therapy is a form of counselling which helps young children use alternative coping strategies to work through any existing problems and is probably the more favoured model theorised by biopsychosocial therapists. However, biomedical experts believe that an imbalance in neurotransmitters is the cause of anxiety and other psychiatric disorders such as depression and will recommend the child take a mild sedative to help reduce the trauma (Ponton 2006). The holistic model would argue that certain determinants play an important role in detecting and treating anxiety. Nutrition is vital as food influences the balance of chemicals produced and released in the brain therefore, without sufficient protein, the brain can become deficient in certain chemicals, resulting in anxiety and depression. Exercise is also very important as again this releases chemicals such as endorphins and serotonin which give a feel good effect (livestrong 2012) Depression is a very common disorder and females are twice as likely to suffer at some point in their lives as males. This is mainly due to changes in hormones in adolescence. Biomedical experts believe that these changes are obvious during puberty and pregnancy as well as after giving birth. According to the National Institute of Health, factors that increase the risk of depression in women include reproductive, genetic, or other biological factors. In addition, women who juggle work with raising a family and single parents suffer more stress that may trigger symptoms of depression (NIMH). A biomedical view would be to diagnose and treat depression by prescribing antidepressants. These types of medications increase the levels of serotonin within the body which go on to increase happiness. Recent studies suggest that side effects brought on by long term use of antidepressants can include digestive problems, sexual difficulties and even strokes and premature deaths in older people. Dr ugs that interfere with serotonin may cause developmental problems in infants, development in adults, digestive problems, diarrhoea, and indigestion and may also raise the risk of dementia (Naish 2012). There are a number of holistic methods which can help keep depression under control such as avoiding caffeine, nutrition and exercise. Caffeine reduces serotonin levels so reducing the drug will naturally increase happiness. Essential fats cannot be naturally produced in the human body therefore it is important that they are included in the diet. The richest source of omega 3 is found in oily fish and nuts. Many of the population are on low income or benefits and maybe see themselves to not be in a position financially to eat fresh food. Eating junk food will increase the levels of sugar found in the blood which will give symptoms of fatigue, irritability, dizziness, insomnia, depression and digestive problems. Since the brain depends on an even supply of glucose it is of no surprise to find that the above symptoms can appear. The best way to keep your blood sugar level even is to eat whole foods, fruits, vegetables, and regular meals (Food for the brain 2012) Some children will suffer with conduct disorders such as aggression, theft, deceitfulness or violation of rules. This can cause problems in school and in the family home which can lead to police involvement. Causes can develop from temperament, genetics (common in children of adults who had conduct problems), environmental (family problems and social pressures) or physical (problems in processing information). Anger affects your physical health and can cause hypertension, chronic lower back pain, stomach problems and heart disease. The biomedical view would be to treat each symptom individually with medication where as a more holistic method would be to practice relaxation techniques, engaging in physical exercise or by doing something that engages the mind such as drawing or painting. Another way to manage this would be counselling. Group therapy is a really good option for adolescents to learn from one another and social interaction is a vital part of the developmental process. Adolescent years can be very challenging for parents or professionals. Identities are forming, social lives are expanding and new behaviours are experimented with. This can involve alcohol, tobacco, drugs and unsafe sexual activity. A person who is intoxicated is more likely to engage in unprotected sex with a variety of sexual partners. The continued use of any substance can lead to substance abuse and addiction. Emma fell pregnant at 15yrs which could possibly be a result of excessive alcohol or drugs. A developing baby is exposed to anything that is put into the system so no safe amount of alcohol, tobacco or drugs exists during pregnancy. Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor which causes the blood vessels to narrow limiting the flow of blood to the baby. Also carbon monoxide will limit the levels of oxygen available to the foetus which can result in still birth, low birth weight or sudden infant death syndrome (livestrong 2012). The National Institute of Health advises pregnant women no t to drink during the first3 month in particular as this may induce miscarriage (NHS 2012) Another form of depression is postnatal depression (PND) which is common in both men and women. PND is different to depression and the onset usually occurs after the birth of a baby but can also appear during pregnancy. Women can become more tearful and moodier than usual in this time. Some women experience thoughts of harming their baby which is quite common affecting almost half of women with the condition (Roberts 2012). PND can be undetected and left untreated which may lead to aggression and possible harm to the baby. Teenage mothers suffer from poorer mental health in the three years after their birth compared with other mothers therefore Emma needs as much support as she can possibly get during the early years of being a mother. She has no family around to support and help her. The feeling of isolation is the most stressful aspect of being a mother. Holistic therapies can be helpful to combat the stress of being not only a new mother but a teenage and single mother. Massage, r eflexology and herbal remedies may be useful to aid in relaxation. Talking therapies are also very popular and can help with identifying underlying issues that may be occurring. Any medication that may be prescribed should be taking with caution as it could interfere with breastfeeding. Teenage parents often drop out of education because of the pressures they experience, including stigmatization associated with pregnancy, isolation from peers, and lack of needed support from family, friends, schools, social service agencies, and other organizations (SEDL 2012). In 2001 the government set up a programme called Sure Start which was intended to provide holistic support to teenage mothers and fathers. The program has been very successful in providing support during emotional times, educational needs and family support to young parents. Sure Start was developed to reduce the risk of social exclusion associated with teenage pregnancy by providing support for parents and their child to help them with housing, health care, parenting skills, education and child care (Sure Start 2012) Emma has managed to obtain a place in nursery for her son while she continues to participate in education. This alone will create a more stable lifestyle for them both while building a future. The focus of this report is to discuss the different approaches to health and to reinforce that a holistic approach to illness is by far the most improved and widely used method. A more natural approach can help, prevent or improve many health issues before they occur. Many medications can help cure illness and in some cases this is the only way to treat a disease such as cancer however, a large proportion of health problems can be linked to generated issues such as asthma, and stress. Tobacco, alcohol, drugs, poverty, employment, income, education, social, environment, lifestyle choices are all determinants and wider determinants in what define the concepts of health. The body is an impressive machine and treated holistically there are no reasons why many issues should be part of life. Throughout our lifetime, stressful situations and emotional traumas are constantly presented. As we grow, our interactions with other people generate stress such as gaining approval, pressure at school, or work, forming relationships, relationship breakdowns or bereavement. It can have many detrimental effects on our health physically and emotionally.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Portrayal Of Vampires In Contemporary Media

Portrayal Of Vampires In Contemporary Media The original concept of vampires was penned down by Bram Stoker, in his book, Dracula. In this classic novel, Dracula is the main antagonist, the most dangerous predator on earth, whose survival depends on the blood of human beings. Thus, the concept of vampires became popular and they were seen as blood thirsty predators, the creatures of the night. Stoker depicted them as the living dead, who had the power to control human minds and ability to shape-shift. Their weaknesses included fear of the cross and the inability to withstand the sun. Since then, the concept of vampires has become popular in media and has changed to a significant level. The present day representation of vampires is different as compared to the concept that was introduced by Bram Stoker. The elements of romanticism and humanism have shaped the concept of vampires and they are now depicted as immortals, living in isolation and seclusion. In contemporary media, vampires are seen as soulless individuals, struggling for their survival based on different perspectives. This dissertation would concentrate on analyzing the modern concept of vampires in the lights of broad and diverse academic resources. Case study analysis has been selected as the research methodology, which would concentrate on reviewing and analyzing the concepts of modern vampires in six different Cult TV series related to vampires. LITERATURE REVIEW Classical Concept of Vampires Early literary renditions of vampires did not necessarily present the creature in an actual human form, for example they would have conspicuous pointed teeth, pointed ears or grotesquely hairy hands (Bartlet Idriceanu, 2006, 105). As the concept of vampires grew in the seventeenth and eighteenth century, vampires emerged as evil creatures, looking like human beings. They were depicted as charming and attractive creatures, making them convenient for them to attack their victims. In the film Nosferatu, which was released in the year 1922, the vampire looked like a ferocious and inhuman monster, with sharp talons (Bartlet Idriceanu, 2006, 111). In Hollywood, Dracula was seen as a charming and handsome vampire, dressed in suits and capes. In order to study the modern concept of vampires, it is essential to understand the primary classical concepts. Classical vampires have been portrayed in several movies and television. One of the classical vampires can be seen in the film Interview with a Vampire and Bram Stokers Dracula (Bartlet Idriceanu, 2006, 125). The classicals have been represented as those vampires, who have a pale, scrawny and pallid appearance. Gordon (2004, 89) asserts that it was once believed a Classical had to drink blood, not only for nourishment but to replenish his blood supply, which he did not have because he was believed to be dead. The concept of classical vampires has been derived from the historical Carpathian texts, which talk about Vlad Tepes as well as the research and analysis of Bram Stokers Dracula (Jennings, 2004, 295). The concept of classical vampires did exist before Bram Stoker penned his original masterpiece, however, Dracula, is the most popular and well known classical vampire of all times. It should be noted that the characteristics of classical vampires have been derived from those of Dracula. A classical vampire is considered to be weak and gaunt in appearance. Once it feeds on the victim, it gains its human form. However, as the blood dissipates, it again returns to its former state. They have the ability to change into animals. True classical can only become vampires after becoming the victim. This indicates that the victim loses his or her blood and dies. The infected victim revives as the undead. Literature also reveals that newly born undead need to feed on blood as soon as they awake. They cannot withstand sun. Bram Stokers Dracula lived in isolated, dark castle, which was found in the deep forest (Jennings, 2004, 299). Furthermore, they need to sleep in a coffin in order to restore and revive their strength. Literature also suggests that classical vampires are predators and it is in their nature to kill human beings. They see human beings as food, which provides them the nourishment to survive. Feeding on blood is necessary for their survival (Summers, 2009, 115). Modern Representation of Vampires in Media: History There is no doubt that the classical concept of vampires has been changed by the contemporary media. The new, modern vampires have been romanticized. As mentioned earlier, the concept of vampires gained immense popularity after the publication of Bram Stokers classic novel, Dracula. The success of this novel led to the development of vampires and thus, it gained the attention of media. Since the introduction of Dracula, people from all over the world have become interested on the subject of vampires. The film Nosferatu, a German film, which was based on Dracula, is the first ever film as it was the first time anyone could truly witness the rising of the undead from its coffin (Bartlet Idriceanu, 2006, 205). In the thirties, Todd Browning brought Dracula to life in Hollywood. Unlike its German counterpart, Brownings Dracula was charming and attractive and as sinister as the vampire depicted in Nosferatu. The only difference was that Hollywoods Dracula was good-looking and attractive. Thus, Browning laid down the foundations for the concept of vampire in the American media. From here, the concept of modern vampires emerged; the creatures of the night, who were painstakingly beautiful and attractive yet they had a monster inside them. During the seventies, the concept of vampires in media changed to a significant level. Before the seventies, vampires in media were seen as physically attractive and charismatic individuals, who were the most dangerous predators on earth. The main focus was primarily on their external attributes. Their internal characteristics and personalities were unknown. They were only seen as creatures of the night, the undead, who fed on human blood(Summers, 2009, 119). Beginning in the seventies, the concept of vampires changed as the internal characteristics and personality were being explored. During the eighties, the concept of vampires changed in accordance to the culture of Hollywood(Bartlet Idriceanu, 2006, 225). The vampires of the eighties adopted a gothic lifestyle and resembled like rock stars. These vampires were dangerous and deadly and cool. The eighties witnessed a whole new concept of vampires. In the nineties, the concept of vampires in media became romanticized. The movie, In terview with a Vampire, completely changed the concept of vampires (Gordon, 2004, 125). The nineties witnessed a new and improved concept of vampires in the media (Gordon, 2004, 147). They were now viewed as the creatures of the night, whose aim is to survive in the human society, facing various obstacles and hurdles. They are now viewed as immortals, who watch as the human society grows. The concept of vampires further changes with the emergence of Television series such as Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, Angel, True Lies, the Vampire Diaries, etc(Summers, 2009, 121). In these television series, there were two types of vampires; the good ones and the evil ones(Wolf, 2007, 258). The good vampires worked collaboratively with their human alias to combat against the evil and sinister vampires. The nineties media also gave rise the possibility of love between a vampire and a human being; for instance, the love relationship between Buff and Angel in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the love relat ionship between Stefan and Elena in the Vampire Diaries(Summers, 2009, 138). The possibility of love relationship between a human and a vampire has also been discussed in Stephanie Meyers Twilight, between Bella Swan and Edward Cullen. All of these new concepts have romanticized the concept of vampires in media and they are no longer seen as the creatures to be feared. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY For this research, the research methodology selected is the case study approach, which would review the most popular Cult television series in order to answer the questions addressed in this research. Each of the series selected needs to be discussed extensively and in terms of characters and their popularity. The overall goal of case study analysis is to analyze the modern portrayal of vampires in media. The series selected are as follows: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, True Blood, Being Human and the Vampire Diaries. Following are the aims and objectives of the study: The similarities and differences between the classic and modern concepts of vampire. To study the relationship between popular culture and the present day representation of vampires. To study the modern day presentation of vampires in Hollywood movies and to compare it to the concept found in Television series. Why modern vampires are seen as isolated, humane individuals, fighting for their survival in their own community, in order to capture and captivate the target audiences? To study whether the soft image has been used to charm the audience in order to cater emotional drama? To study the relationship between the vampire and a human character of the series. CASE STUDY ANALYSIS Buffy the Vampire Slayer In Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the creator Joss Whedon has explored the possibility that the vampire can have a soul. The soul found in the vampire Angel, who has conscious and wide ranging emotions, which makes him a good vampire. Thus, Joss Whedon has explored the fact that vampires can have a soul and therefore, they can have a conscious. Furthermore, the creator also explored the possibility of the love relationship between Buffy, the vampire slayer, and Angel, the vampire with soul. Even though, they were completely in love with another, their relation had to come to an end after realizing that Angel can give her nothing but darkness (Dundes, 2008, 98). The concept of vampires in this show is relatively new and it gave the possibility that vampires can be good. Similarities can also be found between the classical vampires and the concept of vampires created by Joss Whedon (Summers, 2009, 145). Just like classical vampires, evil vampires feed on blood. They are afraid of sunlight a s it can kill them. They are killed by stakes. However, at these modern vampires live among human beings and during the day, hide in their underground hiding place. The series had made significant impact on other television shows and it has been successful in capturing wide ranging audience from all over the world. Buffy the Vampire Slayer showed the whole world, and an entire sprawling industry, that writing monsters and demons and end-of-the world is not hack-work, it can challenge the best. Joss Whedon raised the bar for every writer-not just genre/niche writers, but every single one of us (Jennings, 2004, 298). Angel Angel is another television show, which is based on vampires. The series was also created by Joss Whedon. The show is similar as that of Buffy, the Vampire Slayer. In this show, Angel is the vampire, who has soul(Wolf, 2007, 258). He had been given back his soul after he had killed one of the gypsies and therefore, he has spent more than a century to get over the guilt of killing so many innocents. The show starts off with Angel working as a private detective. He and his associates work collaboratively to help those people, who have lost their way in order to save their souls. Furthermore, they fight with demons. The concept of vampires in this television series is that a vampire is working to help others(Jennings, 2004, 299). The nature of the vampire depicted is soft, which is used to gather the attention of the audience. The concept of vampires in this show is relatively new and it gave the possibility that vampires can be good. Similarities can also be found between the classical vampires and the concept of vampires created by Joss Whedon. Just like classical vampires, evil vampires feed on blood. They are afraid of sunlight as it can kill them. They are killed by stakes(Jennings, 2004, 300). However, at these modern vampires live among human beings and during the day, hide in their underground hiding place. The series had made significant impact on other television shows and it has been successful in capturing wide ranging audience from all over the world. True Blood True blood is another American television series, which is based on vampires. In this series, vampires have gained citizens rights and they are living with humans. The series also explores the relationship between Sookie Stackhouse and Bill Compton, a vampire(Summers, 2009, 296). In this series, the vampires do not feed on human blood and thus, they are seen as citizens, who have the same rights as humans. Like other modern versions of vampires, the series concentrate on the possibility of a relationship between a human and a vampire. Being Human The concept of vampires in Being Human is same as True Blood. The story revolves around three vampires, who concentrate on adjusting themselves to the human society. Vampire Diaries The concept of vampire in Vampire Diaries revolves around the relationship between Stefan, a vampire and Elena, a human. Stefan is a good vampire and only feeds on animal blood, whereas his brother, Damon is vicious and preys on human blood. The concept of vampires in this show is relatively new and it gave the possibility that vampires can be good (Summers, 2009, 302). Just like classical vampires, evil vampires feed on blood. They are afraid of sunlight as it can kill them. They are killed by stakes (Dundes, 2008, 114). However, at these modern vampires live among human beings. At the same time, they can withstand sun rays by wearing a ring or an amulet, which protects them from sunlight. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION Bram Stokers Dracula is the main antagonist, the most dangerous predator on earth, whose survival depends on the blood of human beings. Thus, the concept of vampires became popular and they were seen as blood thirsty predators, the creatures of the night. Stoker depicted them as the living dead, who had the power to control human minds and ability to shape-shift. Their weaknesses included fear of the cross and the inability to withstand the sun. A classical vampire is considered to be weak and gaunt in appearance. Once it feeds on the victim, it gains its human form. However, as the blood dissipates, it again returns to its former state. There is no doubt that the classical concept of vampires has been changed by the contemporary media. The new, modern vampires have been romanticized. As mentioned earlier, the concept of vampires gained immense popularity after the publication of Bram Stokers classic novel, Dracula. The nineties witnessed a new and improved concept of vampires in the media. They were now viewed as the creatures of the night, whose aim is to survive in the human society, facing various obstacles and hurdles. They are now viewed as immortals, who watch as the human society grows. The concept of vampires further changes with the emergence of Television series such as Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, Angel, True Lies, the Vampire Diaries, etc. In these television series, there were two types of vampires; the good ones and the evil ones. From case analysis, it can be concluded that the soft image of vampires have been depicted in order to captivate the audience. Furthermore, the possibilities of a love relationship between a vampire and a human, makes a vampire more humane, having a consciousness.

Monday, August 19, 2019

My Philosophy Of Education Essay example -- Classroom School Reflectio

My Philosophy Of Education I have come to believe over the past year as a Professional Development School intern that one method or one teaching style limits the ability of the teacher and the students to learn effectively in the classroom. I believe that learning is a fluid activity and therefore changes constantly within the classroom community. I believe that we all are constructs of our past experiences and that these experiences influence the way we perform in our lives. The education of students cannot be dependent on a particular style of teaching or learning because we are all different. Students are diverse learners and process learning in a variety of different ways. Reaching these students with one learning style, I believe, is not possible and that as educators it is our responsibility to develop a classroom environment that is conducive to all students for the learning experience. As a classroom community, we are responsible to create meaning from our experiences, develop goals about our learning, and be free to make connections to our social worlds that encourage the learning process to grow. This is what I have learned over the past year and how the PDS internship has facilitated my philosophy of education. I have spent the last twenty- four years of my life in the Nursing profession. As the years passed I realized that I longed to be in another professional setting. I struggled for many years to determine what this nagging voice in my head was trying to say to me. After I stopped to listen to the voice, I found myself on a path quite different from nursing. This path was foreign to me and I was frightened of the new life it was offering me and joyful at the chance to live a dream that I held so ... ...eling from others. I want my students to recognize their abilities to learning early in their educational careers and that shaping, testing, and questioning their learning will make them better students of the world and will create and take responsibility for their learning. Bibliography Richard Beach and Jamie Myers, Inquiry-Based English Instruction, Teachers College Press, 1234 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY, 2001 Frank Smith, The Book Of Learning And Forgetting , Teachers College Press, 1234 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY, 1998 John Dewy, Democracy in Education, Macmillian, 1938 Chapter 7 â€Å"The Democratic Conception of Education† Clarissa Le Ai Ling, â€Å"The Author, The Text, and The Reader, 2002 George W. Gagnon, Jr. and Michelle Collay, â€Å"Constructivist Learning Design† 1990

Various law :: essays research papers

Charta Magna: agreement between king John and his barons laying down mutual rights and obligations as well as the position of the lower nobility and the church. (1215) Habeas Corpus: is an important remedy against unlawful commitment. (1679) Bill of rights: protects statements in either house of parliament granting parliament itself the power to fine or imprison those who abuse this privilege. It also prohibited the king to levy taxes or keep an army without permission of parliament. (1689) Act of settlement: Secured the succession of the throne after the death of William III who was king of England but who didn’t have any children. It gave the throne to Princess Sofia of Hannover and her heirs, being Protestants.(1700) Charles-Luis de Montesquieu : â€Å"De l’espiritu des lois† (1748) Jean-Jaques Rouseau is the author of: â€Å"discours sur l' origine el les fondaments de l' inegalite parmi les homes†(1754) â€Å"contrat social ou principes du droit† (1762) Independence of USA (1776) French Revolution (1784) Types of laws Statute laws: An act of the legislature of a state or country, declaring, commanding, or prohibiting something; a positive law; the written will of the legislature expressed with all the requisite forms of legislation; -- used in distinction from common law. Statute is commonly applied to the acts of a legislative body consisting of representatives. In monarchies, legislature laws of the sovereign are called edicts, decrees, ordinances, rescripts, etc. In works on international law and in the Roman law, the term is used as embracing all laws imposed by competent authority. Statutes in this sense are divided into statutes real, statutes personal, and statutes mixed; statutes real applying to immovables; statutes personal to movables; and statutes mixed to both classes of property. Statute book: a record of laws or legislative acts. Federal Laws: Rules that are applied on a federal level International Laws: A set of rules generally regarded and accepted as binding in relations between states and nations. Also called law of nations. These are the rules regulating the mutual intercourse of nations. International law is mainly the product of the conditions from time to time of international intercourse, being drawn from diplomatic discussion, textbooks, proof of usage, and from recitals in treaties. It is called public when treating of the relations of sovereign powers, and private when of the relations of persons of different nationalities. International law is now, by the better opinion, part of the common law of the land. By-laws: A local or subordinate law; a private law or regulation made by a corporation for its own government.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Florences Market in the Renaissance Essay -- Mercantile Economy

THESIS STATEMENT During the Renaissance, Florence profited from a mercantile economy due to the guilds, the quality and variety of goods and the style and management of the market place. PURPOSE STATEMENT Through historical and economic data this research paper will express how Florence flourished from a mercantile economy in the Renaissance. INTRODUCTION The Renaissance was the rebirth of Europe and it all started in the city of Florence. Florence and everything that made a standard Renaissance city: painters, sculptors, writers, architects, and a vivid culture. Soon all of Europe would follow in Florence’s footsteps and â€Å"the setting is so rich, varied, rambunctious, and inventive as Italy in the Renaissance† (Cohen 1). The painters and sculptors defined Renaissance culture and could actually make a living because they were being sponsored. The Renaissance was the age of the merchants and because of the merchants the economies and culture rose. The Renaissance is remembered by many people for the works of Michelangelo, Da Vinci, and Raphael. What many people do not know about the Renaissance is that the textile industry was more famous and profitable than the painter industry. Florence was the place to get any of your goods because of its location. Merchants went to Florence to sell their unique goods, buy, sell, or make cloth, and attend the guilds. Florence was the trend-setter of the Renaissance, whatever they did everyone else wanted to do because Florence was very successful. â€Å"No great city has ever been built far from the water†¦ [Florence] was now more vulnerable, but it had easy access to an important trade route. It had good communications by river to the west, and practicable passes through the mountains ... ...ll come to buy things. The markets still sell the same things like food and clothing but they also sell collectibles, souvenirs, and leather items. Florence’s markets still sell things you never seen before just like the merchant’s did in the Renaissance. Florence’s leather, silk, and cloth items are still popular around the world. â€Å"U.S. importers set a high value on Florence's products, and tourists spend freely in its fashionable shops† (Florence). The quality of goods is has still withstood the years and Florence is still well-known for its leather and silks. The owner’s of the stalls in the markets still like to haggle about the price of their goods and some of them feel insulted if you do not haggle with them. Florence’s start in the Renaissance as the Renaissance city has served them throughout the years and are they still one of the top cities in the world.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Applying Ethical Practice Essay

Ethical Implications The ethical principles involved in the article reviewed are beneficence (bring about positive good) fidelity (trustworthy), and veracity (honesty) The nurse involved is caught between the core principles of nursing, by following the patients wish of not informing her parents by the diagnoses of a sexually transmitted disease. The implications of betraying the core principles of nursing could cause internal conflict with her value principles, and not to mention the trust of the patient. Other implications could be how the parents view the patient. Strict religious convictions of the parents could cause more harm to the young teen by shunning the child, and not letting the child return home would keep the child from receiving the treatment needed, and possibly create a homeless situation for the teen. Making the school aware of the girls’ situation would also be breach of confidentially, and may even cause legal complications for the health care facility. The situation with the sex parties is not related to school activities, unless sex parties were occurring on campus. Due to the fact that the nurse informed the school the young teen attempts suicide, and again may have legal complications for the nurse and the health care facility. All of these implications can be seen in the article reviewed. Ethical Theories and Ethical Principals When it comes to veracity and fidelity the profession of nursing is considered to be at the top of the list. (â€Å"Honesty/Ethics in Professions,† 2013) The Nightingale Pledge calls nurses to have and use these value principles on a daily basis in nursing and also in every day life. According to the Code of Ethics for Nurses provision 3 3.2†¦ the nurse has the duty to maintain confidentiality of all information. Maintaining these principles also promotes Nonmaleficence (do no harm). According Jean Watson’s carative factors (Lachman, 2012) â€Å"developing and sustaining a helping-trusting, authentic caring relationship† is at the very core of nursing. Building this relationship with the patient the nurse must be self aware of any  judgmental feelings he/she may have regarding the patient situation.(Lachman, 2012) The nurse needs to decide what is the best way to care for the young teen. If confidentially is broken further treatment by the patient may not be sought after. Respecting the patient also means respecting confidentially. We must gain the patients fidelity and maintain the trust for continuing communication to occur. However in the article reviewed after the nurse discovers the young teens diagnoses she is torn between the trusting relationship she has been developing and the principle of beneficence by informing her parents of the diagnoses of cervical cancer. She also has the information regarding her sexual activates. Again this violates the confidentially needed to maintain the trusting relationship or beneficence. If the trust is not broken the young teen will not seek treatment and further harm will be done. Alternatives Alternatives to this situation would lead to probable breach of several core nursing values, fidelity and veracity. It would also breach Nonmaleficence. However the young teen is a minor and the diagnoses of cervical cancer is a diagnosis that needs treatment requiring parent’s consent. The alternative of keeping the young teens confidence, would result in the patient not receiving the care she needs. Which would be a breach of Nonmaleficence. It would also be a breach fidelity and veracity between the physician and the nurse. The alternative to not informing the school of the sex parties would have a much better outcome, the suicide attempt most likely would not have occurred, and the health care facility would not be looking at probable legal proceedings. Maybe changing the language and leaving out the young teens name would have been a much better alternative. Ethics Committee Approaches A breach of confidentially should never be taken lightly. The disclosure of he information to the school and the resulting attempted suicide may be of bigger concern to the health care facility, rather than the breach of confidentially between the nurse and the young teen since she is a minor, and the breach of confidentially will bring about the care the young teen needs. The committee could raise the question about the physicians’ judgment  and his decision to notify the school. References Honesty/Ethics in Professions. (2013). Retrieved from Lachman, V. D. (2012). Applying the Ethics of Nursing to Your Nursing Practice. MEDSURG NURSING, 21(2), 112-117. Retrieved from Nathanson, P. G. (2011, July, 6). Betraying Trust or Providing Good Care? When is it okay to break confidentially? American Journal of Bioethics. Purtilo, R. B., & Doherty, R. F. (2011). Ethical Dimensions in the Health Professions (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders. American Nurses Association (ANA). (2001). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. Silver Spring, MD: Author.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards Essay

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 12 of Republic Act No. 6713, otherwise known as the â€Å"Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees†, approved Dn February 20, 1989, and which took effect on March 25, 1989, conformably to Section 17 thereof, the following Rules are hereby adopted in order to carry out the provisions of the said Code: Rule I Coverage Section 1. These Rules shall cover all officials and employees in the government, elective and appointive, permanent or temporary, whether in the career or non-career service, including military and police personnel, whether or not they receive compensation, regardless of amount. Over the past 35 years, the number of government employees grew at a faster rate than did the population. Philippine population grew 160% between 1960 to 1997 but total government personnel more than doubled in size from the 360,000 employed in 1960. Expressed in terms of ratio to the total population, the growth in the size of the Philippine government personnel lends some firm basis for the popular perception of a bloated bureaucracy. In 1970, the ratio of government personnel to the total population is 1:90. By 1990, the ratio stood at 1:52. The most telling indicator of the period of rapid expansion of the bureaucracy is reflected in the growth rate of government’s cash disbursements for personal services. Yearly incremental rates between 1980 to 1991 were in double figures, averaging 21% during the 11-year period, and grew as high as 35.8% in 1984-1985. In the immediately preceding years, the increase in government expenditures for personal services is accounted for by th e implementation of the second phase of the Salary Standardization Law which provided for yearly increase in basic salaries of government personnel over four years. This is because since  1992, growth in size has been arrested due to the combined effects of a number of right-sizing initiatives which include: the 5-year effectivity of RA 7041 or the Attrition Law; agency-specific streamlining programs; changes in budgetary allotments which funded only the filled positions; and to some extent, the exit of positions in the disposed or privatized units of government. In the last four years, increases in number of personnel have been attributed to the population-based personnel teachers and policemen and to the local government units, the last due to devolution by the national government of certain functions and activities. Outside of those classes of personnel, the increase in national employees (NGAs) and those employed by government-owned or controlled corporations (GOCCs) has switched into a decelerating mode. The size, distribution, and general profile of government are given in statistical data derived from the yearly inventory of government personnel conducted by the Commission. The inventory is based on actual occupancy of positions at the end of each year. Rule II Interpretation Section 1. These Rules shall be interpreted in the light of the Declaration of Policy found in Section 2 of the Code: â€Å"It is the policy of the State to promote a high standard of ethics in public service. Public officials and employees shall at all times be accountable to the people and shall discharge their duties with utmost responsibility, integrity, competence and loyalty, act with patriotism and justice, lead modest lives, and uphold public interest over personal interest.† Ethics is gaining prominence in the discourse about governance today. There is a perception that standards in public life are in decline. This raises questions about the costs of misconduct on the part of those who have been entrusted with guarding public interest and resources. These costs are losses in trust and confidence in public institutions and losses in precious resources which were meant to support the economic and social development of  nations and peoples. There is a move worldwide to restore a measure of trust and integrity in public institutions and officials, to safeguard democracy and promote better governance. It could be argued that the perception of a fall in public standards is linked to the shifting role of the state, which is undergoing tremendous reform. Globalization, technological advances, spreading democratization and fiscal crises are challenging states to deal with strong external forces, be smart in serving its citizenry, devolve power, and divest itself of obsolete activities. As a result, the public service, as an institution, is under pressure to transform itself to respond to these changes. As public servants are asked to take on new and sometimes conflicting roles, there is a need for a cost-effective structure and an encouraging culture to enforce standards and guide their behavior. Under a democracy such as in the Philippines, the people’s fundamental faith in the integrity of political institutions is what holds the system together even under the most difficult times. The present situation in the Philippines is a test of this principle. Whether or not the test is passed with success is a matter yet to be seen. However, at this stage, what could be gainfully learned from present experience is the knowledge that people’s trust seems to lie on the existence of ethics and accountability mechanisms and infrastructure. As shown and proven with quite a measure of success by many studies, ethics and accountability are keys not only to effective government but also to effective governance. The following discussions deal with some of the infrastructures and initiatives in the Philippines. The 1987 Constitution of the Philippines provides the basis of ethical and accountable behavior in the public sector. Section 1 of Article XI states that: Public office i s a public trust. Public officers and employees must at all times be accountable to the people, serve them with utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty, and efficiency, act with patriotism and justice, and lead modest lives. This provision requires every public official and employee to exhibit and live certain values while in government service. In addition, the State has been mandated by the Constitution to â€Å"maintain honesty and integrity in the public service and take positive and  effective measures against graft and corruption†. In 1989, the Philippine legislature passed Republic Act No. 6713, a law embodying the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees. The Code spells out in fine detail the do’s and don’ts for government officials and employees in and out of the workplace. These do’s and don’ts are encapsulated in the eight norms of conduct to be observed by all government officials and employees. These norms or standard s are: †¢ Commitment to public interest †¢ Professionalism †¢ Justness and sincerity †¢ Political neutrality †¢ Responsiveness to the public †¢ Nationalism and patriotism †¢ Commitment to democracy †¢ Simple living The Code, likewise, introduced some reforms in the administrative systems like giving heads of agencies the responsibility of ensuring there is a value development program for their employees; continuing studies on work systems and procedures with the end in view of improving the delivery if public services; and, mandating the designation of a resident Ombudsman in every department, office and agency. Incentives and rewards system has also been put in place. Another comprehensive law passed to address and curb the commission of malfeasance in government is Republic Act No. 3019 or the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act. In Section 1 of this law, it states that: It is the policy of the Philippine Government, in line with the principle that a public office is a public trust, to repress certain acts of public officer and private persons alike which constitute graft and corrupt practices which may lead thereto. This law specifies eleven (1 1) instances of corrupt practices in addition to acts or omissions already penalized by existing laws. The legal infrastructure that prescribes ethical conduct of; public servants is reinforced by political commitment. This political commitment, while difficult to benchmark, has been demonstrated by some policy pronouncements.  Quite significant are the ten-point action agenda of the present Administration and the Medium-Term Development Plan (2000 2004) or Angat Pinoy 2004 which embody the framework for the country’s socioeconomic development. The agenda and the MTDP place the implementation of a sustained training and orientation program on anti-graft and corrupt practices and laws, and on the Ethical Standards Act of Public Officials and Employees among the Administration’s priorities to reduce graft and corruption and exact high standards of ethics in government. Proceeding from this, departments and agencies of the executivebranch have set up and implemented various programs that aim to eliminate bureaucratic red tape. One-stop action centers are now being promoted and institutionalized in the agencies. The legal infrastructure and political commitment are supported and complemented by the existence of oversight institutions. The creation of the oversight institutions that deal with issues of ethics, accountability, graft and corruption are mandated by the Constitution. The common feature of these institutions is they enjoy a substantive degree of fiscal autonomy in the sense that they are not subject to the fiscal controls of the executive. The budget is directly released to these institutions and the heads are authorized to realign savings from their budget. They also have quasi-judicial powers in that they can adjudicate and decide cases and enforce their own decisions, including the imposition of sanctions which may include suspension from office or even dismissal from government service. In the Philippines, the three constitutionally mandated oversight institutions are the Civil Service Commis sion, the Office of the Ombudsman and the Commission on Audit. The Civil Service Commission is the central personnel agency of the government. Under Section 3, Article IX-B of the Constitution, the CSC is mandated to â€Å"establish career service and adopt measures to promote morale, efficiency, integrity, responsiveness, progressiveness, and courtesy in the civil service.† It is also tasked to â€Å"institutionalize a management climate conducive to public accountability.† CSC’s effort involves in enforcing ethics and accountability of line agencies basically involves three approaches. One approach is regulatory, the other, corrective, and the last one, developmental. The first approach addresses compliance of-agencies with policies and standards on HRD systems set by the CSC. For instance, CSC prescribes qualification standards for  each and every position in the Philippine government. Non-compliance with the QS by agencies in the processing of appointments of their staff results in the disapproval by the CSC of such ap pointments.But, apart from the substantive requirements for practically all kinds of personnel actions such as the publication requirement and the promotion and selection board processes. Non-compliance with the procedural requirements constitutes ground for corrective or even punitive action. The second approach deals with disciplinary actions against official or employee for infractions committed in relation to the performance of his/her official functions. The Administrative Code of 1987 or Executive Order No. 292 outlines the various acts that are subject to administrative disciplinary proceedings. However, administrative discipline is not a function within the exclusive jurisdiction of CSC. Agency heads as well as the Office of the Ombudsman also have the authority to proceed against erring government officials and employees. The third approach is developmental and will be discussed later in the succeeding paragraph. The Office of the Ombudsman acts as a prosecutor against those charged with the violation of RA 3019, RA 6713 and the law against ill-gotten wealth, among others. It is mandated to investigate and prosecute the criminal liability of public officials and employees involved in graft and corruption. The Commission on Audit is the fiscal watchdog of the government. COA is responsible for ensuring legal and proper disbursement of public funds and preventing irregular, unnecessary, or extravagant expenditures or usage of public funds. It also has quasi-judicial powers. All these oversight institutions enforce accountability ethic in government. There have been numerous initiatives in promoting ethics and accountability in the public sector. As shown in the earlier discussions, all the above mechanisms focus on exacting as well as developing ethics and accountability consciousness in government officials and employees. The other approach that will be given emphasis in the discussion are the various developmental initiatives, which are within the area of knowledge and competence of the CSC. Rule III Reforms on Public Administrative Systems Section 1. Every department, office and agency shall, as soon as practicable and in no case later than ninety (90) days from the effectivity of these rules, start conducting value development programs for its officials and employees in order to strengthen their commitment to public service and help promote the primacy of public interest over personal interest in the performance of their duties. Such programs and other parallel efforts on value development shall include, among other things, the following subjects: (a) Ethical and moral values; (b) Rights, duties and responsibilities of public servants (c) Nationalism and patriotism; (d) Justice and human rights; (e) Democracy in a free and just society; (f) Philippine history. Culture and tradition; and (g) Socio-economic conditions prevailing in the country, especially in the depressed areas, and the need for a code of Conduct and Ethical Standards. Continuing refresher courses and seminars and/or workshops to promote a high standard of ethics in public service shall be conducted. Section 2. Professional, scientific, technical trainings and education programs shall enhance to the highest degree, professionalism, excellence, intelligence and skills in the performance and discharge of duties and responsibilities of officials and employees. These programs shall be conducted in all offices of the government and may include subjects that are enumerated in the preceding section. Section 3. It is the responsibility of every head of department, office and agency to ensure that officials and employees attend the value development program and participate in parallel value development efforts. Section 4. Every department, office and agency shall conduct continuing studies and analyses of their work systems and procedures to improve delivery of public services. Towards this end, such studies and analyses shall: (1) identify systems and procedures that lead or contribute to negative bureaucratic behavior; (2) simplify rules and procedures to avoid red tape; and (3) devise or adopt systems and procedures that promote official and employee morale and satisfaction. Each department, office or agency shall develop a service guide or its functional equivalent which  shall be regularly updated and made available to the transacting public. A workflow chart showing procedures or flow of documents shall likewise be posted in conspicuous places in the department, office or agency for the information and guidance of all concerned. Upon request, the Department of Budget and Management shall assists departments, offices and agencies in the evaluation and adoption of work systems and procedures that will institutionalize a management climate conducive to public accountability. Section 5. Every department, office and agency shall consult the public they serve for the purpose of gathering feedback and suggestions on the efficiency, effectiveness and economy of services. They shall establish mechanisms to ensure the conduct of public consultations and hearings. Section 6. Every department, office and agency shall continuously conduct research and experimentation on measures and adopt innovative programs which will provide motivation to officials and employees in raising the level of observance of public service ethical standards. Section 7. Every department, office and agency shall, appoint or designate a resident Ombudsman, who shall act immediately on all request for public assistance referred to him by the Ombudsman and his Deputies. He shall be held accountable for the disposition of all requests for assistance. Section 8. Government officials shall make themselves available to their staff for consultations and dialogues. In any industry the success of an organization is extremely dependent on its human resources. Although there are many other factors that play a key role, a company must have effective employees in order to stay financially solvent and competitive. In order to maintain this valuable commodity, organizations must be aware of employee satisfaction and retention. Many companies make the mistake of assuming that employees are only seeking financial benefits for their jobs. This assumption overlooks the high importance many people place on the intrinsic benefits of their careers. It is not only a mistake for employee satisfaction and retention, but it also has negative business consequences. Organizations must have employees who are able to quickly adapt to an ever-changing world market. Companies need to invest in on-going employee development in order to both keep employees and be successful. Employee development programs clearly play a significant role in employee satisfaction, which helps lead to employee retention. The Gallup study shows a clear link between training and job satisfaction. When people receive relevant and valuable training, they are generally happier in their jobs. When that training is carried to the next level and becomes overall development, employees tend to feel even more valued by their employers. They are not only given the tool to do their jobs well, but they are also given opportunities to develop new skills and attain career goals. Companies that invest in their employees and clearly communicate the importance of employees will keep employees. Although there are other factors that are important to job satisfaction and many reasons that employees may leave companies, development programs can still make a positive difference. They can make people feel like they are contributing to the organization’s success, which gives them intrinsic motivation to go to work everyday and do a good job. Companies that offer employee development programs enjoy the luxury of higher employee satisfaction and lower turnovers than those that do not invest in such endeavors. Although it is an investment, it is worthwhile for the returns. Employee Development programs benefit individuals as well as companies. Companies that do not offer on-going learning will not be able to keep with those that do. They may see times of financial gain, but they will lose in the race for intellectual capital. A company can only move as fast as its employees, so the ones that train and develop people will move much more quickly. Many companies view training as a time consuming burden that takes away from the time for employees to complete their job tasks. This concern may be true for companies that offer training in a vacuum and do not support it. However, those companies that offer employee development that is engrained throughout the organizational culture know that the money they put into training will hardly compare to the benefits they get out of it. Employee development can be viewed in two distinct ways. Either its primary purpose is to benefit the company and it is a side bonus that individuals get something out of it, or its primary purpose is to benefit individuals and it is a side bonus that the company gains from it. Either way, everyone wins. The ideal approach is to have equal emphasis on benefit to the company  and benefit to the employees because they are ultimately mutually beneficial to each other.